Draw With Style! Stylizing Your Art & Finding Your Style


Drawing with style shouldn't be mystical or hard! Finding your style should be fun & effortless! 

This class will teach you how to stylize from references and how to find your style much faster! It will demystify style and make it easy and approachable. Drawing with style is just a skill that takes practice to master! Let me prove it to you in this class! ;) 

In this class I'm going to show you the three simple steps to stylizing any reference image/s and tons of examples of how tweaking even something small will make a big difference in style. We'll also talk about how to find your own style and I even included a bonus exercise that will help you find it and develop it even faster! This class is super fun and easy and I hope it will inspire you to play and find your favorite way of making art! 

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss

YOU have a unique art voice, let's find out what it is and express it! :)


This class is also available on Skillshare, a subscription course platform. All 28 of my classes plus THOUSANDS more from other awesome teachers are on there! I highly recommend it for the value, but if you want to just buy a couple courses or want lifetime access to them, you can get them here on Gumroad.


This is a 1h 2m information-packed course, that is divided into 9 lessons.

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Draw With Style! Stylizing Your Art & Finding Your Style

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